Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore #CRE any Longer
Last week, industry leaders Ken Ashley, Nick Luczyszyn and The Wilbert Group released the #CREi Top LinkedIn Influencers in Commercial Real Estate. Taking a closer look at this list and related content provides a bold reminder why you can’t afford to ignore social media and that hashtag #CRE any longer.
It’s not exactly a secret, social media created a significant shift in how we communicate with one another. The recent pandemic however, has only accelerated this and raised the bar in terms of what digital engagement looks like today. It has become the great equalizer; small and large companies alike can build their brands, expand their businesses, and connect with clients on a level playing field.
Despite its obvious benefits, many still avoid platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and now Clubhouse out of fear of the unknown. For the novice, social media is difficult to fully understand on the surface, but complex and interesting on the inside. As a late adopter, I learned this firsthand.
Yet, as you immerse yourself into this virtual world, you will quickly see it provides users the greatest ability to tap into people outside of their networks, expanding global connections in ways you wouldn’t otherwise be able to create.
There is so much more available here than placing static adds or motivational quotes. Social media allows you to showcase your true voice and industry knowledge. It provides a vehicle to host real-time conversations, raise your visibility and drive business.
In this regard, social media is no different from that conference you would typically attend. Your goals are the same. It’s all about relationships, gaining new information and sharing your own knowledge.
If time or a lack thereof is your excuse, keep in mind that most social media updates are not being done on a desktop computer. Instead, they are made on a smartphone or tablet. Everyone has downtime, it is simply a function of how you use it.
No, social media won’t replace personal relationships. But the worst action is no action, and your biggest problem is becoming invisible here. Leveraging it strategically will have an impactful role in your career and cannot be ignored.
Still not convinced or unsure where to start? Take a look a the #CREi Top LinkedIn real estate professionals list. They are the perfect example to follow. #CRE #authenticity www.kenashleycre.com/crei